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The MindZen Method - Re-Wiring Your Brain

“Whether you have it all, or want more, we can help”

The MindZen Method™ is tailored for you.

You are where you are today as a result of all the thoughts and feelings that have come before. I understand that your current situation and desires are unique to you, so my Coaching and Consulting services are individually tailored.

*The whole idea is to change properly at the conscious and unconscious level; be able to wire-in that change, ingraining it as a second-nature habit as soon as possible; then have a self-sustaining new approach to life.

Change—Ingrain—Continuously Enhance

The Process

The First Step is Make Contact:

Then we can determine where you (and your team) are at and where you want to get to. You can take advantage of our free first consultation to determine how we can best serve you.

1st Step

Intake Stage

Once we Choose the best Program style, we then use some sophisticated psychological and physiological analysis, so we can tailor our advice, Coaching and Consulting services to best maximise results for you.

Stage 1

The Commencement Stage

We then begin on your chosen program package using a range of advanced techniques to retrain the brain. We discover, adjust and remove unhelpful patterns and begin to, together, create the mental resources and thought processes aligned with your goals.

Stage 2

The Mastery Stage

The Mastery Stage, (a.k.a. the Re-Training / Re-Wiring Stage) is where we work at the unconscious level, to help you literally ‘change your mind’ about anything causing you pain or holding you back.We help you implement true change and can usually give you the tools to train your brain properly, so you continue enhancing results independently.

Stage 3

“We give you the keys to your head so you can run your feelings, instead of your feelings running you.”

Method Styles


  • Breakthrough Sessions – 2 x 3hr intense, no-nonsense sessions, done in a week.
  • Boot-Camp – 4 x day intensives — thorough, fast-tracking of the Method

Intense & Immersive


  • 30 Day Re-Set: 5 sessions tailored for you over 4 weeks – change your life in a few weeks.
  • 60 Day Re-Wire: Two months of treatment/training/workshop. Change, implant, enhance new patterns.
  • 90 Day Mastery: Mastery of mind-body-life. Giving you the keys to your mind so you can continue for the rest of your life.

Thorough & Well-Paced

For those wanting to Excel

  • The MindZen Method isn’t for everyone, but if you dare to excel we will be with you all the way, to help you Master all aspects of your life.
  • Our Aim: is to offer you the most comprehensive change options available to move to the next level-True Unconscious mind-body Mastery Training. Each structured program is thorough, immersive and designed to get maximum change in the shortest possible time.
  • My promise is: to help you get whatever change–performance enhancement; recovery; or pain-relief–as quickly as possible.

Our Promise

Your chosen program package uses a range of advanced techniques to retrain the brain. We discover, adjust and remove unhelpful patterns and begin to, together, create the mental resources and thought processes aligned with your goals. We have developed an extensive, immersive and effective method to give you true change focusing on better performance; quicker recovery; and better pain-relief abilities.

NOTE: Good results can happen on one visit, but for most people we see, there is a life-time of patterns to change. Our programs are designed accordingly.

We Help You Get the Change you want as Quickly as Possible.